Always in Leadership





Here, your goal is to uncover what sets you apart from other people. What qualities 
do you have that make you stand out?
When thinking about your strengths, don’t limit yourself to your professional skills.

Explore all of your experiences, and the opportunities that you’ve had to grow and 
develop. This includes your education, aptitudes, personality factors, and interests.
Ask yourself the following questions:

• What are you really good at?

• What skills do others recognize in you, and what do you get rewarded for? 

•What do you do better than most people you work with?

• What are you most proud of?

• What experiences, resources or connections do you have access to that 
others don’t?

Remember to ask your friends and colleagues to list your strengths as well. We can tend to be self-effacing, and we often downplay our own abilities, so this is a great way to get more ideas. When you learn where others think you excel, it can be a real boost to your self-esteem!

 Let's talk about strength and challenges Everyone has strength and challenges
 Strength are things we are good at Challenges are things that are more difficult for us Everyone has their 
unique strengths and challenges We're all graded something some are creative with nonstop bright ideas Some are great at singing or public speaking And some people are great at working with animals Some like working on computers Challenges are important because the teachers what we like and don't like And because when we overcome them we grow as a person A challenge can be an opportunity to use our strengths I'm great at focusing on tasks but I have a hard time talking to people I use my strengths and focusing on my tasks to add saying hello to my task list Now I always remember to greet my coworkers and customers

 One person's strength can be another person's challenge I'm great talking to people But I have a hard time focusing on my tasks So I use my strength of talking to ask my coworkers To remind me if I get distracted Now I can talk to people and get my work done If you focus on your strengths If you find work you like You'll sore like a superhero

New things to learn

There are countless new things to learn! Here are some suggestions to get you started:

1. Learn a new language. Being bilingual or multilingual can open up new opportunities and help you connect with people from different cultures.

2. Explore a new hobby. Whether it's painting, playing an instrument, or coding, hobbies can provide a fun and fulfilling way to learn new skills and express yourself creatively.

3. Take a course or attend a workshop. There are many online courses and workshops available that can teach you new skills or deepen your knowledge in a particular area of interest.

4. Read a book on a new topic. Reading is a great way to expand your knowledge and gain new perspectives on the world.

5. Travel to a new place. Traveling can be a wonderful way to learn about new cultures and ways of life.

6. Volunteer for a cause you care about. Volunteering can provide a valuable learning experience and give you the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world.

7. Attend a conference or seminar. These events can be a great way to network with other professionals in your field and learn about new developments and trends.

8. Learn a new skill related to your job or career. This can help you stay competitive in the job market and open up new career opportunities.

9. Try a new sport or exercise. Physical activity is not only good for your health, but it can also help you develop discipline, focus, and determination.

10. Practice mindfulness and meditation. These practices can help you develop a greater sense of self-awareness and improve your ability to focus and concentrate.

11. Take up a new sport or physical activity. Learning a new sport or physical activity, such as yoga or rock climbing, can be a fun way to challenge yourself and stay active.

12. Learn a new skill related to cooking or baking. Cooking and baking can be a fun and rewarding way to learn new skills and experiment with new flavors and techniques.

13. Learn a new instrument. Playing an instrument can be a great way to relieve stress and express your creativity.

14. Study a new subject or topic. You can take online courses or attend classes to learn about anything from history to science to philosophy.

15. Practice a new form of art. Whether it's drawing, painting, sculpting, or photography, exploring a new form of art can be a great way to express yourself and develop your creative skills.

16. Learn a new computer program or technology. There are always new technologies and computer programs emerging, and learning how to use them can help you stay ahead of the curve.

17. Study a new language or culture. Learning about a new culture or language can broaden your horizons and help you connect with people from different backgrounds.

18. Develop your public speaking skills. Public speaking can be a valuable skill in many areas of life, from presenting at work to giving a toast at a wedding.

19. Learn how to invest or manage your finances. Understanding how to invest and manage your finances can help you make better financial decisions and prepare for the future.

20. Improve your writing skills. Whether you're interested in creative writing, professional writing, or blogging, there are many resources available to help you improve your writing skills.


 Tricks To Win People's Heart With Your Communication Skills

1. Repeat the person's name: 

Whenever you have a conversation with someone, the best thing you can do to impress them is to remember their name. Call them by name, praise them for such a good name.

2. Repeat what you hear: 

One of the best ways to prove that you are interested and is listening to them. You can repeat what the second person just said not every time but sometime in between.

3. Be a good listener: 

We are all very enthusiastic to tell everything we know but if you really want to win somebody's heart speak 20% and listen the 80%.

4. Talk on the other person's interest: 

Make sure that most of the topics are in favor of that other person and not yours.

Truly A Wastage


Go through this article!
 And meet the Reality

1. Watching TV

For example, you started watching a series or show and you didn't noticed that it's been 4 hours of binge watching.  

You're scrolling through IG shorts, YT shorts and it's been one and a half hour.

Usually we do this. And we can't help ourselves in this situation.
Insecurities are everywhere but atleast try to tell your parents. They'll definitely find a solution for you.

2. Being in a relationship with someone just because you feel bored or lonely

Unfortunately, you're in bad luck. And you want someone to hear your thoughts. And understand you. You're sometimes clumsy and this makes you feel lonely. 

You started chatting with her/him and after some days she/he didn't reply. In case they ignored you, and again You feel bored and started blaming the one. 

This goes on. Time passes by.

3. Trying to solve everyone's problems 

In this Selfish world, the one with pure soul always get betrayed by someone else. So, try to identify people who is going to betray you in future and who is going to help you.

You have already so many problems, you are not trying to solve them instead of this you are advising others what to do or not. 

I would literally say fuck everyone!
Either you choose right path or don't go wrong path filled with thorns. You'll be safe and secure. 

4. Trying to win every conversation that you have with people

Not being transparent about this. 
Partiality though!

Win every conversation when it's a debate. Though stop when you see the person in front of you is just shouting. And not listening to the facts you're talking about. Why to waste time? Time is very precious. Save it. Well, it's not in  SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. It's a joke. You're intellectual, I know so you won't keep it till last.

5. Doing something just because it makes your parents happy while you're unhappy

Wings are given to spread them and fly. If you're easy-going then it will get some bitter for you. 

Sometimes, parents do mistake in their parenting. They choose that thing that you don't want for never ever in your life. 

Don't make it obvious, just convince them with using proper language, words, bullet points. Tell them what's the reason that you don't want to go with the decision they took for you.

6. Constantly complaining about something that you could have already changed

 Know these are called Excuses.

If you're not good in focusing on your own work you can't blame distractions that they are distracting you.

Remember your focusing power is low not distractions are making it difficult for you. 

7. Creating fake problems so that you don't have to deal with your real problems

Telling people that you put in a lot of hardwork. You hadn't even slept that night or eaten anything. That's why you were feeling dizzy and couldn't write anything in your exam paper.

You got fail. And you'll say that you were a bit dizzy that's why  you couldn't make the best score.

8. Trying to make someone love you when they are not interested in you

Useless you!
Unuseful this article!

Literally, why do you people want attention? 

When the front person knocks on your doors then only put in your efforts and plz take decisions by analyzing the good and bad points...

When they are already not interested in talking with you what u r gonna do?

Think about it !




1. Take A Relaxing Shower

This'll help you in decluttering your mind. As you go and take the shower you'll feel the release of negative thoughts. It increases endorphins and that's a plus point.

2. Contact Someone You Love

They'll help you even in your bad situation.
Talk to your dad and your mom or freinds if they make you feel better.

3. Do A Deep Breathing Exercise 

Don't overthink. It's hard to stay on focus. But, doing it 5-10 mins will also give you better results.

4. Sniff A Lemon

I know this weird. But, this'll help.
Ah, what the heck is this!

5. Listen To Brainwave Audios

Awesome when you're searching for peace and wanna get stable

6. Dance

If you're tired or bored, and you're a freakingly cool person like me then dance dance dance on your favorite song! 
You will enjoy and your Dumbo brain will get fooled.

7. Look At Inspiring Photographs

Yeah, for older ones this is a good idea
I'm not violating your dignity. You're dignitaries. Respect.

8. Smile At Yourself

Admire yourself that you are a different kind of work of ART in this immense world.

9. Say Mood-Boosting Affirmations

Or read your Journal / Diary
Or write one...

10. Get Rid Of Clutter

Clutter around you makes you feel plumpy Pot. So, arrange you surroundings in a proper way.

11. Get Some Light

I mean Sunlight. This'll surely help. It detoxifies 

12. Have A Good Hug

Positivity will flow through your mind, body and soul.

13. Listen to your favorite music

It increases dopamine release in your body. And you'll feel high.

14. Spend some time in Nature

It enhances and improves the quality of wellbeing in life.

15. Sleep

It seems so short but, it's very necessary in today's short spanned busy life. It boosts energy and cognitive functioning. If you're awaken since the last night, you should get right away and atleast sleep for 2-3 hours.

16. Eat something good & fresh

Dark chocolate, Blueberries are some of the mood boosting compounds that you like too.
Everyone though!

Apples & Bananas have some exceptions. But, yet they are happy-go-lucky foods.

17. Exercise

Some people are also passionate about exercise. They go gym and engage themselves. This helps the mind to sideline the thing that you were thinking previously and focus what you're doing.

18. Meet your Freinds and Enjoy

Play Basketball, Cricket, Football, Badminton and get cheered up with your friends. This will help in preventing clutter in your mind.

19. Watch something fun

Watch movies, their trailers etc. Enjoy people. Life is terribly filled with a lot of problems. 

20. Open up your Artistic side

If you love Drawing, painting, sketching, do that and really telling distresses your body.

Do what you love instead of thinking about that bad thing you have no relation with.

Go get ahead!



Serotonin is associated with boosting mood and helping a person feel calm and focused.

1. Sunshine

Exposure to sunlight is thought to increase the brain's release of a hormone called serotonin.

2. Reduced Sugar
3. Vitamin B
4. Positive thinking 
5. Protein
6. Nuts & seeds
7. Massages
8. Physical exercise 
9. Meditation 
10. Laugh



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