Time Management 

Say hello to great time management and goodbye to procrastination!

Tool #1: To-Do Lists

Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone

Tool #2: Studying Schedule

Develop an effective study schedule

Tool #3: Use a Calendar

Calendars are a great way to plan a month ahead of time. 

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Yeah! I know. After doing all this in the starting of a month you got yourself like toxic in the end. So, keep it smooth like butter!

At the beginning of every month, make a habit to write out all of the assignments that you know you have due throughout the weeks. 

Tool #4: Remove all distractions

"Just remember while you are wasting your time your competitor is practicing and when you meet him, he will win."

Set a timer on your phone for 1 hour. 
You know this technique already.
Promodoro technique

Use technology effectively for organization and productivity; and Know when to say "NO"

Work in a quiet setting, or wear noise-canceling headphones to avoid external distractions.

Make a goal to finish a small task, then reward yourself with an episode of your favorite show or coke and pizza.

Do eat Healthy ok!
I'm not recommending you to eat coke and pizza all day

Tool #5: Don’t study in your bedroom

Get out of your comfort zone and start working on yourself

Well, this is necessary for you all sleepy heads 

Tool #6: Do assignments early

Try to get your assignments done in advance.

And please don't try to cheat from your friend's notebook.

Tool #7: Get some much-needed sleep

Without the necessary sleep, you can be prone to procrastination more easily.

Sleep is so important and you should be trying to get an average of 8 hours every night.

Tool #8: Be organized

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Being productive and using your time wisely is a great way to do well in college. You’ll be less stressed about due dates and hopefully receiving awesome grades.

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