How to build self confidence?



Self-confidence is an understanding that you trust your own judgment and abilities, that you value yourself, and feel worth, no matter what imperfections you have, and no matter what others might think about you. While self-confidence can mean different things to different people, in truth, it just means having confidence in yourself. 

Building confidence is a journey, have patience with yourself

How to Look & Feel more Confident 

Confidence is difficult to define, but confidence in oneself usually means feeling comfortable in oneself and ones gut, and believing one can trust ones abilities, knowledge, and judgement. 

It is actually a skill that you CAN develop even if you can't imagine how that could be possible for you right now...

RULE #1 Positivity

Negativity is your number one enemy. It's the first thing you need to learn to deal with. You must stamp it out. I cannot stress this enough. Being Positive is an essential element of self-confidence.

RULE #2 Self-esteem

Lacking confidence often means having a very low opinion of yourself. There's only one answer to this (and there's no getting out of it if you want to move forward)..... you'll need to learn to have self-love.

RULE #3 Communication

Good communication skills really are an essential step in learning how to gain confidence. These skills are a delicate balance between listening and speaking.

RULE #4 Self-perception

Knowing how you come across to people really matters. Most people get this wrong. They assume they look and sound terrible, embarrassing even. Reconciling this is essential.

RULE #5 Courage

You must do the things that challenge you most. It's impossible to get more confident if you just think about it. It takes courage to step out of your comfort zone. It is the right thing to do.

RULE #6 Resilience

If you fail at something, try it again but approach it differently. Never avoid situations that you have failed at if they matter to you. Learn the mistakes and move on. This takes resilience.


Too many very capable people lack faith in their own abilities. This stops them doing the things they really want to do. The main reason for this? A fear of failure. The thought of getting it wrong is enough to stop them doing.

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