Top Academic Study tips

Some of the top Academic Study Tips to Finding Which Study Style Fits You for Success in the Long Run

Studying is one of the most important things that students need to do in order to succeed.

The first step for success is to develop a study habit. A study habit can be anything from reading a chapter from your textbook every day, to reading articles and answering questions on Quizlet or Khan Academy before bed.

Another important aspect of studying is picking the right style for you. Learning styles are important when it comes to studying and learning new things. They can help us understand how we learn best and what we need to do in order to improve our skills. Different people learn differently, so it’s important that you find out what style works best for you and then use it consistently throughout your time in college.

The key is to start small and work your way up.

Identify Your Learning Style

One of the most important steps in developing your skills is knowing what type of learner you are. If you know what type of learner you are then you can tailor your study habits to suit that style. Some people are visual learners, some are auditory learners, and some learn by doing. For example, if you're an auditory learner then listen to podcasts while studying instead of reading books or listening to music while working on assignments.

What's your learning style? 
Do comment!

Eat well, exercise & get plenty of sleep

Eating well during finals will keep your mind ready to absorb new information.Exercising will help improve your memory by reducing your stress. It increases blood flow to the brain, providing it with more nutrients, which leads to a mood-enhancing effect.

Match Your Learning Activity with the Proper Study Environment

A study environment may be defined as the place in which one engages in a certain activity. The environment can either be natural or artificial. The study environment is important because it can either help or hinder a person's ability to concentrate and focus on their work.

• Studies have shown that there are three types of environments:

1) Arousal-Producing Environment: This type of environment is characterized by stimulation and excitement. These environments involve activities like watching movies, listening to music, playing video games, etc.

2) Arousal-Reducing Environment: This type of environment is characterized by relaxation and calmness. These environments involve activities like reading, meditating, taking a walk in nature, etc.

3) Task-Oriented Environment: This type of environment is a collaboration between man and machine. The human and the computer will each be responsible for certain tasks, but they must work together to complete the ultimate goal.

Which kind of environment you like the most?
Do comment!

Know your distractions 

Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram watching YouTube videos & shorts, television shows, texting... Distractions can be endless! But it's important to know what will distract you the most and to AVOID THEM AT ALL COSTS! (Turn off your phone, install a social media blocker on your computer, stay away from you TV etc.)

You dumbos like Dark mode in your Smart phones but, your shorts are never ending on You tube/Instagram 

If that's true for you?

Join a study group

Forming a study group can really motivate you to study. Explaining difficult concepts out loud will help you figure out what you understand and what you still need to go over. (It's even better if everyone brings snacks!)

Yeah! So this thing will motivate you to study on another level but, it won't stay for longer time. Mind it.

Try not to cram

Studying subjects in small chunks over multiple days and revising it after a week or a month will help you remember
more information than cramming the night before an exam.

I'll provide you
# Cheatnotes ( Science, Maths or Computer Science )
You'll get everything
Just wait for the Shout-out!

Plan ahead and set goals for studying with a timeline.

A goal is a desired outcome, result, or specific action that you want to achieve. It is important to set goals in order to stay focused and motivated while studying. For example, you may want to set goals such as reading two chapters per day or completing your homework by Friday.

Timelines are the periods of time during which events are planned or expected to happen. By setting a timeline, you can make sure that you have enough time for each task and that your work will be completed on time. 

You can also use timelines to track your progress towards achieving your goals so that you know when they have been met.

Your goal should be realistic!
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Reward yourself

After you've finished your study session reward yourself with a nice lunch break, go for a walk, take a nap etc. This will help in preventing burn out and keep your mind ready for your next study session.

See you again
Bye!! bye!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's really helpful. Everything sorted.
And now I'm gonna work.

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