Self regulation is an important skill that is required to know own emotions and behavior in tough situations and challenges and manage them effectively. It aims at bringing oneself to a Commerce says when things are tough and are causing stress to them. 

 Same way, self regulation as a sort of regulating own emotions, attitude and expectations in a situation when one is not feeling and behaving normally.

 Self regulation requires:

● Awareness of own emotions and behavior
● Willingness and a willpower to regulate self
● Efforts to regulate self
● Exercise self control

Self-control is related to self-regulation but is different from it. Self-control primarily is a social skill that exercises control over own behaviour, emotions and impulses to behave in a certain way.

 Self-regulation, on the other hand, comes into play when the emotions and behavior deviate from the normal in the wake of some touch or challenging situation. So you can say that like a thermal start self regulation being the emotions and behavior to the set normal point where yes self control is setting the normal point and behaving accordingly. So you can say that like a thermal start self- regulation being the emotions and behavior to the set normal point whereas self-control is setting the normal point and behaving accordingly.

 In short, self regulation is the act of managing one's thoughts and feelings to engage in gold directed actions such as organizing behavior, controlling impulses, and solving problems constructively.

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